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Pocket Forest Initiative 

“Take only what you need and leave the land as you found it.”

– Arapaho

The Pocket Community realizes that running a large decentralized network is an energy consuming endeavor. While significant measures have been taken and are ongoing to make the network as energy efficient as possible, the opportunity exists to further improve upon this idea. We would like to strive to eventually make the network carbon-neutral. 

How can this be achieved? The Pocket Community will reach out to Pocket Network Inc., Pocket Node providers, Pocket Pool providers and Pocket Node participants to solicit donations of Pocket hosting services, Pocket nodes, Pocket tokens, Stable Coins, and other assets (fiat currencies, land, etc.). 

A non-profit has been established to coordinate and manage this program. The donated and recurring funds will be used to support a variety of nature and wildlife conservancies as well as eventually purchase forest lands to be kept in a perpetual Pocket Community Trust. 

A running dashboard of these energy offsets will be updated weekly and displayed on the CPOKT site. In addition a monthly newsletter will be sent to the membership detailing the progress and future plans of the Pocket Forest Initiative. 

All activities and donations will be audited annually and publicly accessible.  
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